Do you have a loan or a credit card?
Hey! I’m building a startup in the intersection of credit cards and loans. Kindly fill the poll below for testing our hypothesis
Have a loan and credit card
Have a loan but no credit card
Have a credit card but no loan
Have neither credit card nor loan
342 votesexpired
8mo ago4.1K4.1K views

Never understood why salaried people opt for credit cards. You can make more money by not spending than by spending for points...

@Qwerty2398 People like to live a little by spending the money they earn, rather than just putting everything into stocks bonds FD etc.

@DiwaliBonus - i never said, not to live or spend. one can do the YOLO thru debit card as well. Most people buy the cards with the benefit of points in the mind. Some might argue that house hold expenses which are incurred any way thru debit card if done thru credit card and managed properly , those points are like a bonus.
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