Do you know your hourly wage?
Before reading this post . Do you know your daily rate ?It is important to know . It will help you taking many decisions. (Few influencers have tried to get the point across, just wondering how many in GV know) Not too late . If you don’t know calculate it now and keep it in mind .. u may start seeing things differently

6000 an hour.

Who are you?

Are you hiring?

What’s the best way to calculate?

Overhyped Dihadi Majdoor hi hai

-5000 (parivar par bojh hu)

Isn’t it kind of simplistic? take your annual income and divide it by 2000.
That is five days a week into eight hours a day into effectively 50 working weeks a year

Yes, I know you work longer on some days and you get more than 14 days of holidays in a year, but this is a very simplistic rule of thumb that’s a averages out neatly, and can be used in most part of the world