
Sales People Of Grapevine I’ve Got One For You

Which do you think is harder in terms of trying to convince a client / customer ?

Inside Sales
Direct Sales
79 votesexpired
18mo ago
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As someone who has worked in B2C Sales (Direct, Inside, Retail) and B2B Sales (MT, GT, Key Accounts), most definitely B2C Direct Sales is by far the most difficult.

The reasons are

  1. Inherent hustle and long hours involved stretch your mental and physical limits
  2. Price sensitivity is very high when compared to other distribution channels
  3. Possibility of coming across as too salesy is also high and this reduces Customers WTP = Willingness to Pay

I had zero clue of this, the world where I come from Inside Sales is just remote sales, selling to a company it's not worth traveling for primarily because the ticket size is so little.

Direct is more of Named Accounts... Both are painful but different kinds of painful.

For Inside sales you get to play with 20-30 opps at once so the heartbreaks and wins are more often.

For Enterprise Field accounts you target 1 or 2 strategic opps for entire quarter and in the end none happen and you don't get pain anything and go to sleep crying.


+1 to @Vforvendatto

Have done inside sales Initially it broke me the amount of rejections one receives, and still I feel it was one of the tougher roles I’ve taken up

Cannot imagine how much more difficult direct sales could be


Inside Sales is mentally crushing but Direct Sales is soul crushing when you give it all and are unable to close.

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