So @SportsAnchor you used to post daily updates for the Olympics, how about Paralympics? Not important?

Lol this is like saying there was a Fifa discussion post, why not for Womens football. Or why is there no coverage for womens cricket discussion 😂
The viewership is much smaller, these things aren't followed by so many people

are you sure ?

they are getting gold which is dream for many and many can't acheive it inspite of their preparation as we have seen it earlier and majority of us can't even think of reaching that level, i believe it should be in news so that many others can play and get inspired somewhere (not specifically talking about paralympics) and even know about other sports other than cricket.

We should give the Paralympic guys cyborg arms and legs and some fancy drugs and make them compete against the regular folks in Olympics.

Nah, cyborgs need a category of their own tbh, like transgender people. Cyborg eSports players literally gonna play with their mind, no limbs required. Non augmented humans can't compete with those reflexes.
We're officially stepping into sci-fi territory with so many futuristic concepts like cyborgs actually coming to fruition lol. Scary and exciting at the same time.

@SportsAnchor you need to put some answers

Nobody wants to watch that. It's not really important.
git pull realisation git over it

I don't want to see women's sports news, not following them not interested.
Neither in Paralympics.