
The problem with Data Science in India 🇮🇳

I've seen a glaring issue with DS in India: desis don't genuinely want real insights. The boss only want insights that agree with his gut feeling. I always thought that we had to uncover truths.

The moment your analysis contradicts the boss's intuition, your work is dismissed. It’s disappointing as fuck. Unless your product is uniquely DS/ML/AI-led, you are mostly a yes-man, bending data to fit a narrative that keeps the management comfortable. The truth? They don't want innovation or disruption; they want affirmation of their outdated ideas.

This attitude fucks up creativity and growth. How can I progress when data is manipulated to pacify your ego. The truth is that ego leads to poor decision-making and business failures.

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7mo ago
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By boss do you mean Business stakeholders? Or you data science line manager?

I feel that happens with Business Stakeholders. And I handle European and American clients the attitude stays same for not agreeing. But in such cases we need to sell them the idea. Try harder to sell, still if they don’t understand then remember what we are paid & what hike we had and then let them go to hell😂😂😂


Bro agree with you.. but how fuck can be disappointed 😅?


This actually very true

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