Thoughts on Financing an MBA
Hey folks! Wanted to know your thoughts on how I should think about paying for my MBA?
Options -
- Take a loan for the entire amount
- Use my savings & Loan for remaining amount
Some points here
- By savings here, I mean investments (Stocks, MF), which I would have to liquidate
- Loan available for ~8.5%
Take a loan for the entire amount
Use my savings + Loan for remaining amount
43 votesexpired
13mo ago

You will get IT rebate (if working in India post MBA) on interest payments, keep your money parked in bull run😛
P.S. - just a real life example, I finished my MBA loan after 5 years (planned to repay in 8 years) of MBA and made 80+% returns on investments. Had a repaid my loans earlier, returns would have been impacted significantly.

Take a loan upfront, just keep paying the interest from first month so it doesn’t get compounded ..
I learnt this from my mistake ..
let your MBA get over then also start paying for your principal plus interest

Loan @ 8.5% is quite impressive. I remember they gave me @ 11.25% for my UG course.
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