Vehicle Recommendation
I have my mother's 8-year-old scooty activa—50k around km. Good condition. One minor problem that mileage is little low due to old engine. Can anyone recommend what I should do? Should I bring it to Banglore from Rajasthan? Or buy new one?

Have you tried getting it serviced? Worked for my scooty.

Yes, It needs servicing every 4-5 months with a little over 2000/- costing.

If it's that expensive then it's better to buy a new one instead. Because I get mine serviced only once (max twice) a year and it costs 600/-

You can get the binding of the engine done as one time expense.
For mileage, its a small pipe and screw you have to adjust.
I have a 13years old model, still goes till 78kmph and giving 38kmpl mileage. I had the binding of the engine done couple of years back.
Service has been costing only 300-500bucks apart from engine oil which is kinda of necessary.