Brother/sister when people do not have enough to eat. Arduino would rarely cross people minds

Why do people keep comparing china and india?
There is no comparison we are a third world shit hole compared to china.
We are not in the same league as china. We are in the same bracket as Bangladesh and Vietnam.
To rise beyond we need a complete overhaul from the ground up which is not possible in a highly diversified democratic system like ours.

Because china and India were in similar conditions. We cannot use the excuse we are a third world country anymore

I had to pay 5500 import customs duty on a 4k hardware. F this

There was a time in china when "women agreed to be rpd for a bowl of rice"
They've come a long way from that, the least one can do is acknowledge the efforts of their leadership.

Nah... I bet our kids are wayy ahead in terms of dirty tactics and stuff..