
[Poetry] That lost song

That lost song, which you hummed everyday, is waiting for you to return, and sing it away, for one last time. You forgot it when your journey with another one started. But, it is still waiting, for you, to come and release it from the memories of you thinking constantly about it, digging deeper in the lyrics, searching for a soul, maybe hidden somewhere in between, saying there is something different about it, which had captivated you, and you are never going to get bored of it. That song, is waiting for you, to mumble the words once again, in your heavenly voice, making love with the beats, ignoring everything around, and losing self in the moment. That song is waiting, for you to come, one last time, wanting you to take away the feeling of longing. That song, is waiting for you to bid it a peaceful Goodbye.

6d ago
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