
Hot Take - India needs to work (create value) a lot more

70 hour a week might seem stupid [it maybe is if you just value work by hours] but the advice has a deeper truth to it

India's biggest export is going to be services, manufacturing aint going crazy here any time soon

We have the youngest demography rn, and if it isnt creating enough value, then we wont be able to unlock escape velocity to become a developed nation by 2045

I dont think most of us in the current generation should aim for the privilege of work life balance, we need to work so that this country and the mass population we represent lives to see another day

Dont get me wrong, it doesnt need to be 70 hours, but it needs to be 40-50 hours of really meaningful and value addition work

Hustle hard!

24d ago
App Promo

Good thing. Just one more perspective - why to do all that if you can get the same in some other country. Here you need to handle politics, religious issues, riots, genocides once in a decade or 5 years. Education, medical stuff for children is bad. My close relative stayed in hospital for 25 days in comma spending 18 lacks just because of doctors mistake (in the best Gurgaon hospital). She passed away at 50, even after having 8 doctors in immediate family. So you can understand how careful she would be.

Patriotism has been in my generation (more than 8 generations with paintings in my home walls) And I know I would be staying here only. But buddy this is the time where one needs to evaluate "growth is double sided road". This generation can work hard but please set us free from regular turmoils on religious issues. Make peace.


Every country was bad, before it wasnt


We need to participate in reform, the Indian citizen has been politically silent and hence taken advantage off

Hot take - you won't generate value/productivity even if you work 140 hrs a week. Because productivity or value is estimated in dollar value generated per hr, and we are a poor fucking country. Your project value, company valuation, revenue, yada yada will almost always be less than western and Chinese counterparts.


I agree and that what ive written

but obvs working 70 hours is better than spending 50 hours on reels and PUBG

this nation needs to take more risk and is going in the right direction


Hot take: Work efficiently for 35-37 hours weekly with sufficient breaks and prioritize your work with realistic deadlines. Accept work will never end (eg. Bandya from chup chup ke), so don't lose yourself in it. Hustle hard but hustle smart. I have seen in my team, I am able to complete 2 people's work in 37 hrs week while my team average is 47 hours. In my opinion time management and prioritization is the key. You have one life don't lose it in work.


True, if your productivity ain't dropping after 40-45 h, it means either you're slacking for those 45h too, or maybe the work doesn't require intense focus/mental energy.


Me reading this post


Feeling pity for your family and loved ones.


Hot take for sure! A hot steaming pile of sh**


Hot take: our country can never become a developed country even if we work 700 hours a week.


Least bothered about the country's development, when the govt is all about tax terrorism and corruption.

All I care about is my own career and wealth generation and that's what I'm and would work towards, simple as that. If that indirectly helps the nation, so be it.

And yours' is not a hot take, it's an utterly stupid one.

What do you mean by wlb being a privilege? It should be goddamn right. This is what is wrong with most Indians, they don't know what they deserve and get exploited for it.


Wrong take. Human body is not designed to work n number of hours "under someones observation". Hard Work is good but for whom? Companies like Infosys? When the grandchild of Murty just become owner of crores just after days being born through gift sharing. Basically you want to convey that we should pour all our energy to make India a developed nation. And can you explain what is the defination of developed nation? Cause as per my understanding of "development" is. Case A: Person A used to live in village sold his assets migrated to city on rental property working under some company and using the salary money to buy goods. CaseB: Person B is living in village growing his food,rearing his cattle getting other goods from rest of villagers using barter system.

Now case A will be considered as developed as the companies are getting profit and is being counted to gdp but case B wont.

And for your logic of young population have you seen the fetility rate for the sake of this fake development. Go study S. Korea and Japan.


More work or better quality work?



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