
Young deaths have me thinking really

Rohan Mirchandani, and couple of others who died young (40s is not the age to die)

Now contemplating of all of this race with/against AI, worrying if I will have a job later while having one. What's the point of killing the present to make the future bright, what if there is no future?

Should I start making each day worth? But all worth come with a price tag What is I do spend all in living the present and there is no job in the future for me, then what? Having a happy past but shitty present then will make me resent my decisions even more

What does one even do?!

24d ago
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Covid was that moment for me. Life is short, you never really know who you'll meet for the last time in your life.

Best to make every moment count imo. I've been much happier with that mindset and living in the present. Best to disconnect from online reality more often.


Few things I have clarity about in life

*Be healthy -- so at least you don't have to spend your life savings on medical expenses
*Invest in land/gold -- anyway these grow irrespective of anything
*Keep learning a thing about business-trade in the market -- if push comes to shove and we lose our cushy IT jobs .. you'll have something to earn in future
*Making every moment count -- enjoy each moment you spend with family, invest in their happiness -- if something goes wrong in your in your career these bonds should be strong
*Be grateful for everything you have


Ok 👌


@LooseGoose - care to elaborate on how you make every moment count ? Looking for ideas and suggestions on the same






Damn you make me think hard my friend


Completely away from this topic: In my opinion and honest opinion. Most of us as humans and specifically in corporate silently celebrate others downfall may it be health wise or a total demise. I saw it today in coworkers eyes as a common colleague was leaving the firm today the corworker who was not leaving was smiling from ear to ear and post when our colleague left he just said good thing that his mother died (mother of the colleague who left) now I will get promoted next year. And I was just standing there flustered like wtf and when I mentioned it in front of my manager she nonchalantly said old people will die I don't know why that colleague pussied out of consulting maybe he's not built for big4. I just can't understand that people have so many faces in corporate.

Now coming back even if we are taking care of our physical well being a focus should be on the mental well being as well.

I have learnt one thing the more you are humble at life and help around eventually you receive things 10x but if you are really competitive and not caring about what kind of events you're triggering in the pursuit of competition the consequences are dire.


true, does happen


I feel like even after being good, people are not considerate in corporate world. Goodness is only “seen” by family or by people except co-workers.

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