by ZoomyNuggetGjensidige Forsikring
Get Motivated
onby PeppyQuokkaStealth
by WobblyQuokkaStealth
Not sure where my career path is going
27, 30+ LPA, Wfh - T2 city.
Lately, I’ve been feeling demotivated about continuing my journey in software development. It’s been a long road, but the spark that once fueled my passion seems to have faded. I even tried exploring other pa...
by SparklyCupcakeStealth
Premium Institute Candidates!
There is a filter called premium institute candidates for recruiters on naukri.
What it does is for any role that a recruiter is hiring they can add this filter after adding all other requirements and it will show only candidates from ...
by WobblyBurritoMphasis
Quote on Hardship
If one accomplishes some good though with toil, the toil passes, but the good remains; if one does something dishonourable with pleasure, the pleasure passes, but the dishonour remains.
- Musonius Rufus