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I don't want

By · Growth Manager

If you were my husband, & I say I don't want to work. How do you respond?

Women can reply too. This is hypothetical anyway
Indian IT
By · Software Developer

Just got onboarded to a project I don't want

So my current manager has decided there is not enough work to give me so she has decided to release me. I was fine with that because I thought I could start fresh. But on the same day I was told of the release I have been added to some other project. I was in Java development and now i have been added to some support project. When I called the new manager to tell him I am not interested he spoke very rudely asking me whether I think I can dictate terms around here with just shy of 2 year experience. All these decisions are made by people above you and I have to do as asked. Is this normal in service based companies ??
Software Engineers
By · Software Engineer

Is it wrong to say I don't want to work on some particular development task?

I was assigned a development task. We could not come up with a solution to implement few of the requirements from PM side. We managed to push an MVP after cutting down on few requirements. There are new requirements coming up related to this task. I have been unable to come up with a generic solution for this and I feel irritated when working on this task. No one from my team has knowledge or has worked on this task. I am ready to hand off this task to my teammates and have told my seniors that I don't want to work on it anymore. Any thoughts from fellow developers on my approach? Have you faced such issues?