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Seed Stage Startup

Indian Startups
By · Product Manager

Salary at seed stage startup for 2nd PM

Have been interviewing, what should my expectations be? Have 5 years of experience in product in edtech, eCommerce.
By · Product Designer

Working in an MNC vs working as a solo product designer at a seed stage startup?

I'm currently interviewing for 2 companies, 1st one is Deloitte and another one is a seed stage startup that has a potential to make it big ( I'm assuming). The founder is super nice and I'll be working with him and a product engineer. What are the pros and cons of working in both the companies? Ps- I'm having an experience of working as a ux designer in a design agency for 2 years
Indian Startups
By · Software Engineer

Evaluating risk of joining a seed stage startup

How do you evaluate the risk and the potential of the offer from an early-stage (seed stage done) startup in India? For example (hypothetical), a seasoned leader / founder is starting a new startup in fintech industry (e.g., next zerodha, etc). They raise 10 million USD at 30 million USD post-money valuation. I took fintech as example specifically to ensure it's not only engineers that will be needed from the beginning. * Now, If I were to join as a founding team member (founding engineer for example), what kind of salary, ESOPs one should expect as minimum? * If I were to join after 2-3 engineers are already hired (so not founding engg anymore), what is realistic expectation? * What are some questions I must ask to evaluate if the offer and equity I am being given is good or not. (I know there's probably no way to generalise a "good/bad offer" as that likely depends also on very specific situation of the startup - like what problem is it trying to tackle, and what is the potential of it, etc. So feel free to share your experience as well if not advice)
Indian Startups
By · Software Engineer

How to find seed stage startups?

I want to find seed stage startups to join as a founding engineer. I want to take some risk while I can and try if I can get a good return. How should I go about this? I have 7 years of experience. Building distributed systems, backend services with Go, Clojure, etc. I have some frontend experience as well with SvelteKit, Tailwind, etc. I also made a SaaS product recently and got around 10 small businesses as customers on subscription. The product itself got acquired for 5 figures USD after I ran it for 2 months
Business Roles
By · Software Engineer

Working at a Pre-Seed or Seed stage startup?

The title speaks for itself. As a fresher, should I focus only on developing my experience or should I care about funding, number of employees and all that stuff? By the way this startup is a part of YC.
Software Engineers
By · Software Developer

Should I join a seed stage startup?

My current comp is around 45lpa and 30lpa in stocks. A seed stage startup is offering me 30lpa in cash and 25lpa in stocks. I really feel that this startup can go places. Any advise?