
2 time ex-founder / 6+ years of entrepreneurial exp

Have been an entrepreneur since college days. Went full time on same idea and worked on it for a good 4 years full time before starting something new, raising some money, later pivoting (fucked up here) and eventually shutting shop last year.

Life has been tough since then since there is no clarity on what to spend next 2-5 years on - acquisition offer falling apart, tried looking for jobs but didn't finalise and later did a bit of consulting (good pay but didn't really work out).

I now have a few good conversations going on right now - leading product & EIR/Founders Office. What do you suggest would be an ideal thing to do?

Profile - Solid Generalist. Non tech. Money ain't really an issue right now but can't stay dependent on savings for so long - its stupid.

PS - If you or someone you know is hiring, please reach out. Happy exploring ideas as well.

13mo ago
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Go for founder's office, much more flexibility overall

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Do you feel lesser need to hustle after making a decent amount of money?

I did not grow up in a lot of money. I ordered looking at the prices on the menu. This feeling has stayed with me and has fueled me to thrive, push harder, work long hours and get to my goals.

I'm 5 years into my career, and last year...

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I felt this once I sold my startup. Through my other investments I have enough to not work and make whatever I spend ...