
Specialize or switch for Higher salary ?

I am a 27 Male, Data Analyst (Transitioning to Data Scientist next month)did my B.Tech from a Tier 3 college and PGD in AI from a new University Total Experience (3.4 years): .1 yr - Worked at a Big4 firm as a Tester after B.Tech. 2. Analytics career began after PGD with the GST department of a state government (Tax Fraud analytics) (2.4yrs) Professional Achievements: - Worked on GST-related projects and published various fraud reports - Contributed to effective enforcement, potentially resulting in fines exceeding 300 crores - Implemented fraud analytics models that were appreciated by the Finance Minister (Nirmala Tai) Current Situation: - Salary: 12 LPA (No recent raises, feeling stagnant and subject to office politics) - Current job feels monotonous and limited in exposure to advanced Deep Learning (DL) and AI technologies I am interested in becoming a startup founder in the consumer tech space in future also. Question for Advice: Given my current situation and future aspirations, should I: 1. Continue working with another state government GST or move to Central GST? 2. Explore opportunities in startups or corporate roles with a focus on higher salary? 3. Should I change domain or think of specializing in this domain, what should be my career trajectory?

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