
A rant on startups

The current startup tech employees and founders are filled with so much junkies who do not care about the product at all.

The culture is set when the startup is founded,when the first set of employees arrive. These folks are some of the most driven and talented and that's fine, it's how it should be.

But the problem begins when these folks do not find their own hiring strategy and copy the hiring strategy of other companies.

Instead of analysing what works best for them they justify their hiring means by saying this is what other have done.

The result is you get a bunch of leetcode warriors who are always wanting to jump ships when given opportunity, never forming deep knowledge about their industry and their product.

I work in one of the legacy tech companies, sure we do not hire the best people but we nurture them and that earns loyalty and long careers in our company.

Even the employees have a very 360 degree view wrt product. We always deeply care about our product.

Tbh I love seeing the stupidity of the market and it makes me happy that more confident that these people are wrong and always will be.

Even the Indian startups are unoriginal and copied from the west then how do you expect the hiring to be unique. We are all living in the circus where jokers are supporting each other in making the circus bigger.

9mo ago
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