
AI ethics: As AI becomes more sophisticated, what are the ethical considerations surrounding its development and use? How can we ensure AI is used for good and doesn't perpetuate biases or cause harm?

AI bias: Can AI be fair? AI mystery: How do AI systems make decisions? AI blame game: Who's responsible for AI actions? AI privacy: Can AI keep our data safe? AI safety: Can we trust AI not to harm us? Let's discuss....




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Misc on

by MuchosGracias


Addressing insecurities around AI

For as long as AI has been around (milliseconds on the timescale of humanity), there has been an increasingly negative view on job security and whose job is on the chopping block next I submit the following points, and I wanted your take on them 1) True beauty is irrational: foundational and advanced AI models take after datasets and truths known to humans forever. However true inspiration (a genuinely beautiful new sound, genres of music, acting out of spite and creating something new) is so inherently human that we ourselves can’t predict anything that hinges on an unanswered question 2) AI can’t fix your toilet: weirdly enough, the jobs that require real world skills (carpentry, masonry, cooking, physical art) are not just safe, but likely to become future proof, while all our computer based jobs (most, not all) can be automated given time. What a fantastic return to roots. Evolution didn’t give 99.999% species opposable thumbs and we won’t give our AI overlord them either lol 3) AI needs a plug point: dystopian commenters say that AI can take us over. How? If processing power is finite based on available energy, pulling the plug can effectively guillotine any threat to our life So many people on this forum wonder whether they’re next (some have found out already, and we pick them up and help them because we hate the future) but I hope we can laugh at these moments in the future because if I’m wrong, and Skynet really does figure out how to make things happen, then at least we will all die having seen this inevitable future and having laughed at it’s ugly face


Misc on

by Neo69


Relying on ChatGPT as a student can Sabotage Your Future Career

I will let GPT do the talking: Using ChatGPT as a student can be detrimental to your career in the long run. While AI tools like ChatGPT offer convenience and quick access to information, overreliance on them can hinder the development of critical skills. Key skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity are nurtured through active engagement with learning materials and hands-on practice. If students rely too heavily on AI to generate answers or complete assignments, they miss out on the cognitive processes that are essential for deep understanding and knowledge retention. Moreover, employers value originality and the ability to generate unique insights. Dependence on ChatGPT for ideas and solutions can lead to a homogenization of thought and a lack of originality, making individuals less competitive in the job market. The ability to analyze information, form independent opinions, and articulate thoughts clearly is crucial in professional settings, and these skills are best developed through personal effort and practice. Additionally, ethical considerations come into play. Using AI to complete tasks meant to assess one's understanding and capabilities can be seen as academic dishonesty, leading to a compromised reputation and potential disciplinary actions. In the long term, this can damage one's credibility and career prospects. In summary, while ChatGPT can be a helpful tool, relying on it excessively as a student can undermine the development of essential skills, originality, and ethical standards, ultimately hurting one's career.


Software Engineers on

by 1899


So many posts about AI taking our jobs. My take on it.

Everyday I open youtube/grapevine/teamblind its has keywords AI + Shocked or it will replace our jobs. My take on why AI might not replace our jobs. 1. Running AI agents or AGI requires significant electric power. If every company starts using it in some way in the future. All the code might be exposed. What if AGI builds its own version and starts selling and shuts down its employer considering its super intelligence. 2. If people dont pay taxes. How will government run? Who will buy the products in the market? Wont people start stealing/hurting others to meet basic needs? 3. Many jobs in todays world use computers in someform. But we only talk about the software engineers. There are non tech people who use computers in their works. Those are pretty much repetitive and can be easily automated. Many are not aware about chatgpt. On the other end people talk about alternative jobs and the safest job is farming in most of the posts. 1. Cant the rich build humanoid robots to do the same. Can't big corporates buy lands and build vertical farms and run with robots. 2. What big corporates are going to do with the excess money laying us off in the end if all the jobs are taken, as if the people running or owning them are going to live their life eternally. Unless they find a way to upload their existence into a robot. 3. I'm not sure if people posting about AI taking jobs have worked on atleast building basic ML models like linear regression or used MNIST data to detect numbers using neural networks. For most of us AI is a blackbox and we do not know about its full potential. My take on AI 1. AI can aid humans in their tasks or make developers like us to wear multiple hats. Like combination of backend, frontend, mobile, devops, machine learning, cybersecurity. Helpnus better debug. 2. I feel like all these CxO's just blabber to get high funding, spread fear while they chill in their yatch. Let me know your thoughts on this.