
Absurd interview questions

nobody cares about these questions and nobody has follow-up questions, these are only asked as a formality: 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Tell me about a challenging project you did. why ask such questions when your very next statement is "let's do a DSA based question"



A large US based MNC.

4 months ago

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Confessions on

by samosa


Having some fun with the interviewers

So basically I don't hesitate in challenging the interviewer if I feel like they don't know how to interview a senior candidate so during many interviews, this is how I have caught them off guard: 1. The interviewer was asking me technical questions and expecting to explain properly throughout. So at the end i asked him about the tech stack they use, he said Azure. I asked him why they use Azure and not AWS, to which he said "it's cheaper", i didn't let it go, i asked him for a proper technical explanation, his red face was worth seeing. 2. The interview asked me a hard DSA question, and I wasn't able to solve it properly, he didn't even give me enough hints, just expected me to solve it. So halfway I asked him, would you like to solve a DSA if I ask you right now, he said no because it's not his interview. To which I asked, are you afraid that you won't be able to solve? If you are going to reject me for not solving this question, would you resign if you aren't able to solve the question. He ended the call. 3. One interviewer was asking me absurd technical detailed questions. I asked him why are you asking such questions, he said he needs to know my thought process because he will work with me. I started asking him similar questions, he said he won't answer because it's not his interview. I said I also need to know your thought process because we'll work together, so you should also answer these questions, he had no reply. 4. The interviewer asked me about a challenging project that I had done recently. I don't like this question at all. So I said there wasn't any challenging project because I'm good at what I do so it's always easy for me. He moved on to the next question. 5. HR asked me why I resigned without an offer? I asked if it's mandatory? No reply.


Indian Startups on

by samosa


Traits of a bad/inexperienced interviewer

most of us have come across at least one of the following bad interviewer type: 1. Not knowing why they are asking that specific question, which skill are you testing ? 2. Those who ask questions in a Google doc. It's the worst, the candidate ends up struggling to format whatever they write. 3. Have "YouTube" knowledge instead of in-depth understanding. Imagine the candidate asking you a question and hurting your ego. 4. Asking candidates to switch on camera, while keeping theirs off. 5. Staying silent, not being interactive, not giving any kind of hints. 6. Not putting any effort to understand the candidate's mindset or background, asking intro just for the sake of it. You might work with that person, put some effort in, ok ? 7. Having a fragile ego, not accepting a different school of thought. 8. Just copying the question from somewhere & not knowing how to solve the questions themselves, giving hints which ends up confusing the candidate instead of helping. 9. Expecting the exact answer, instead of focusing on the thought process. 10. Asking Hard DSA questions in a one hour interview. 11. No proper intro, no setting the interview base, eager to just jump to questions. 12. Those who think interviews can only be for one hour, not keeping extra time. Who decided the interview will only be one hour ? 13. Not knowing how to format the interview. Interviewing is a skill/art, please learn it, don't waste your or anyone's time. Imagine a skilled candidate not getting the job they want/deserve because you didn't know what you were doing. It's better to treat the candidate like your other colleague and you are just brainstorming a problem. Whenever I have come across a good interviewer, I have always ensured to tell them they are a good one.
