Shreyas Doshi PM course
Has anyone here purchased the Managing your PM Career course? Looking for reviews
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Thanks this is really cool! Have you attended the course? Does it have the same stuff or something more/different?
For India, you can explore pmcurve programs created by Deepak Singh (author of Tech Simplified). A lot of buzz and good reviews around in my circle.
Has anyone here purchased the Managing your PM Career course? Looking for reviews
Has anyone here attended the Shreyash Doshi’s course on Maven? Is it good?
Also if someone can share the recordings here that would save a lot of money, even open to buy in it at a discounted price 😅
I am GPM and I am not getting right career opportunities. Hence I am thinking on taking shreyas dhoshis career management program. Please provide feedback on Shreyas Doshis course - " Managing your PM career"#product #productmanager