
Career progression

I’m currently working for a big bank for a little bit over a year and I want to switch departments internally but finding it relatively difficult. I am currently working in the frauds department and I intend to switch into a risk/controls/strategy role but do not know what exactly do I need to do for that. Any folks who maybe made a switch into these departments from a different one would be kind enough to guide a lost soul like me? Your suggestions would really be appreciated.

17mo ago
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Well moving within organisation has multiple aspects to it, I.e is okay leader okay with the move? Or If the leader from the new team is ok with you on his/her team. Assuming your organisation is supportive of individual career growth by allowing them to move internally. You should have a candid conversation with your leader showing that while you are doing great in your current role, but would like to contribute to e organisation by joining your calling and why you think that’s a good fit. Once this is done start having exploitation calls with future leaders and why you want to learn the new skill and how you can be a good team fit. After this it is all about internal transition (assuming both leaders are aligned)

I believe JP Morgan should have a good internal transition mechanism. If your manager is not okay with the move then you need to start having conversations with future leaders, anyway you will eventually move




Thanks a lot for your inputs. I’ve been trying to get hold of people but it’s such a big organisation and the work of different departments and different teams is at times confusing to understand on what they exactly do.
Also, many a times the leaders have calls and meetings lined up and hardly have time to talk. Any suggestions on how can this problem be tackled?

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