Case study prep resources
I have been interviewing for analytics roles recently (7 YoE) and felt that my case study/ problem solving skills have become rusty and I am not able to think through with enough depth. Could you all please suggest some resources to improve the problem solving skills, which helped you in the past. Thanks!
In a similar position. Willing to do mutual mock interviews, that should help.
This sounds good. However, I have a couple of offers rn and not interviewing immediately, so looking for passive resources, which I can go through in my free time.
Honestly, tired of giving back to back interviews for the last 4-6 weeks. 😅
Great. Can I know which companies you got offers from?
In a similar situation :/
Btw, can you elaborate on what are the responsibilities in analytics role at 7yoe? I have 4yoe and can't see any growth in analytics
Yeah, I get it. I still think about my growth prospects 3-5 years down the line.
But I think as you level up, problems become more vague/open-ended, you need to identify analytics/data science use cases for a broad problem statement. Other than that, your role becomes more about stakeholder, project and people management.
In any case, it's good to be an analyst who can build ML models if needed, nothing fancy, but at least the traditional ones.
I would suggest you to read case in point book.