
Do you respect MBAs?

Elon Musk hates MBAs. Do they add any value or just glorified middlemen?

21mo ago
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Elon runs companies that are technologically innovative and lean with high IQ, self motivated teams. The first iPhone was made by just engineers too.

There are businesses however that need good execution over product innovation, a lot more caution and error prevention in their strategy and manage large people orgs.
These benefit from having a middle layer.

As per MBAs, quality does matter and many aren't as employable as they need to be.


So I feel applying something Elon figured out for spaceX is applicable to a company like Asian paints.


Depends. I know a few superb MBAs who really excel at what they do. And their expertise helps me get my job done. But most of them they simply do Program Management under Strat, PM roles.


Elon Musk is an a grade chutia. Please read the exposes on how there are people whose main job is managing his childish behavior and antics at SpaceX and Tesla. The shit he has done at Twitter is another level entirely. That being said, MBA prepares you for operator work i.e. operating an already running enterprise efficiently. The rest depends on what you take from it.


Elon is living on another side of planet. His opinions not applicable much here.

Reality is companies are filtering out candidates without mba in almost anything and everything now.

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[OPINION] MBAs are a dying breed who deserve it.

mba’s are the middlemen of the mind, bullshit architects of ppt decks that dump the actual work onto someone else. their entire “skillset” is built on synthesizing what other people create and presenting it like they did something.


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Maybe the fault lies in the person. MBA still teaches about strategy, brand management and core finance. If you don't...


MBA is a deadweight education. Its only for brand image. It teaches no specialized skill that is usefull to a company.