
Edtech shit hole

“There used to be an educator delight team of five-six people whose only work was to send gifts to the teachers: T-shirts, water bottles, big boxes of chocolates. It all used to be sent directly to the teacher’s house. The founder himself used to be involved in this. But now that team has been sacked,” said a former employee of Unacademy, on the condition of anonymity".. The above clipping is an article on edtech. People who joined these role- did they honestly believe this job has a long term prospect? If this is the job our youth are working, we should be ashamed of this whole sector.




24 days ago




24 days ago

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Office Gossip on

by LooseGoose


Indian Edtech is a dumpster fire

Was interviewing at one of the acquisitions of a major edtech player for a design role in Bangalore roughly 2 years ago. 🚩 Didn't share agreement on email unless I came to office for a day's worth of work (after completing interview assignment). 🚩 Exit clause in agreement mentioned company can terminate contract any time with a few days notice, no provision for me ending contract (never in my life did I see such a one-sided contract). 🚩 Was asked to reuse free resources available online to repurpose content for them (why fucking raise funds if that's all you want to do). 🚩 Overheard - "Who cares about quality, just bring in teachers who are influencers that can bring more students behind them". Boiled my blood. 🚩 Was tweeting all of this in a discussion about edtech on some thread without naming the company. Got asked to chat with founder's office guy while I was leaving at the end of day. They either stalked my socials or somehow came across my tweets and wanted me to bring my concerns to seniors instead of sharing them publicly. Excuses that were given - "We are a growing company, not everyone here is on our payroll, there's a mismatch in our teams internally, will take time to fix" etc etc. "You seem very passionate about education, you know how bad it is in India and we're trying our best to make a dent". Balls making a dent. I was even more furious by the time he was done talking. Politely asked me to delete the tweets (which I later did because I believe in second chances and not burning bridges). Did not sign agreement or return to work. Came to know later of more toxic stories coming out of edtech companies. Avoid edtech in India like the plague if you're still considering applying anywhere, this shit is not worth any amount of money. They are literally destroying our future and care more about their investors and VCs rather than their students or even the larger startup ecosystem. I hope these shitshows shut down soon.


Indian Startups on

by Gytgyt


Unacademy is synonymous to Toxicity

We all have heard about the toxic culture of Edtech. Unacademy is now in the top spot when it comes to companies with toxic culture. Any company cannot be more cruel than this: 1. Abusive language by leaders - COO, CBOs, SVP, VP and other leaders treat employees as slaves. They themselves have made huge lossess and are burning investors money but when any employee voice out their opinion/asks for leaves, the leaders abuse employees badly even in front of other stakeholders. 2. Forceful long working hours - Even if you complete your work in 8-9 hours, you are forced to sit for 11-12 hours just to show the founders. People hardly work after certain hours but they just have to sit and waste their time. This is tiring and there is no work life balance. No time to spend with family. I hardly get chance to spen time with child. 3. Late night reviews - So the company has started this new way of conducting monthly reviews late in the night. People are asked to sit till 2-3 AM for reviews. And this review is nothing but a setup where COO abuses the employees. 4. Forced paycuts - We have seen a forced paycut for the leaders (VP, SVP, Directors etc). 'No appraisal' was still somehow digestable but how can a company justify the degrowth in the earnings of their employees. Company has money to sponsor TVF web series (Sandeep Bhaiya), invite Standup comedians (Biswa and Prashasti), distribute pizzas to all the employees but when someone voices out for paycuts, they don't have money. 5. No Flexibility In Working The company witnessed its highest growth and revenue when 100% of the employees were working from home but now the founders think that people do not work from home so they have called everyone to work from office for 6 days a week. If someone asks for a work from home, the leaders denies or ask to apply leave to work from home. Be it rains, election, etc - we are asked to work from office. Even during the day of election in Karnataka we were called in the office.