Only 67 Unicorn are left 🦄
As per latest report only 67 Unicorn left which once was 100+
Can you name any ex-unicorn.
Surprisingly, none of these is worth pursuing.
50% of these fastest unicorns are in trouble right now(Apna, Udaan, 5ire, Global bees and Mensa).
Even today in my Village, firing a person from job is considered the worst fall in a man's life. It is considered a fall in status and humiliating moment to fire somebody. They would take less pay sometimes no pay than to fire their employees. That's the reason people think carefully before hiring a person.
We have fallen a long way, where rising funds are seen as a measure of success rather than long term sustainability. I feel sad for all the people who work there for more than 2 years.
5ire is a scam
Where is money laundering as a service - zyber365, in this list?
5 years later, half of these startups would have disappeared.
As per latest report only 67 Unicorn left which once was 100+
Can you name any ex-unicorn.
What’s the point of all this Rapido investment as I still won’t get any auto on that app?