I can tell about my expenses
1BR - 5K AED (non downtown area)
Utilities - 1.5K AED
Food - 2K AED (cook + grocery)
Eating out - 1.5K AED
Maid - 600 AED
Car - 2K AED
Petrol - 500 AED
Gym - 1K AED
Miscellaneous- 2K
Total - 16K AED
This is just fixed, add in amortised gift + travel (I reserve 30K AED combined for both per annum).
The remaining amount can be saved (40%) + invested (60%)
I’m single and live essentially upper middle class lifestyle as I’d in india. I assume you’d want that too. If you live in sought after area like Marina- cost would be 20% higher. If you have kids - add in 4K additionally for schooling.
You’d practically end up saving as much as india only - if you’re lucky.
Unless your partner has a good job , it seems to be frisky move.