Good Day again at the Office
So We've done it! Few Days of Hardwork and we've caught up with the Backlogs!
Felt happy that I'm able to achieve this!
Now lets #EnjoyWeekends
After struggling for achieving my monthly Target we've finally at the finish line.
Tomorrow according to my plan we'll be achieving the monthly target!
It's gonna be fun day Tomorrow
You sound like my manager's boss from previous company. He would arrive 9 am (while office started 10.30 am) and stare everyone to their seats.
And after working till midnight on month ends, this is what he would post on Slack next morning. With #Hustle 💪 #NeverDullDay #WorkHardPartyHarder
What's Slack?
Messaging platform for teams to communicate
Bhai kal Saturday hai. Kya #NeverStop. June 1 is just another day of another month of another year. Nothing new, nothing great. Have you ever stopped and thought "What am I building? What value have I created for the betterment of people using my products". I worry about the army of slaves that have to suffer under you, while you look at the Kalyani Nagar skyline, with a glassy gaze of monthly targets on your mind. It's a pathetic existence, isn't it? What's your monthly Target for your parenting? Or your children?
Says the Guy who's Unemployed 🤣🤣🤣
🤓 ahh comment. I don't have to flex my company lol.
Love to see this!
Bro get a life. It’s outside that corporate office which owes you nothing but “paagar” 💀
So We've done it! Few Days of Hardwork and we've caught up with the Backlogs!
Felt happy that I'm able to achieve this!
Now lets #EnjoyWeekends
Had a good day at the office. Catching them backlogs one day at a time but the days are running out.
Went to office early today and thank god I did.
Hopefully will catch up to the back logs in the next couple of days.
Had a Good day at the office even though I have a few backlogs but I'm confident to clear them up.
Just Gotta keep my head straight and work on the plan!