
Guesstimate: how many tweets go without likes in a day

How to solve

16mo ago
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Start when dau - appx 250 million Using the typical content distribution 80% never tweet anything. 1% who create a lot of stuff and the rest 19% are sometimers

Whatever the 1% folks create, they don't go unnoticed. So leave them

Come to the rest 19% -> appx 45 million

If you take on an average this cohort tweets thrice a month -> 135 million per month -> 4.5 million tweets a day. These tweets are usually unnoticed (given Twitter is a place where we don't take our physical friends)

So 80% of the tweets go unnoticed (again this depends on follower distribution, so you can take a cut of followers for the 19% group and might arrive a better answer. I am lazy, so not doing all that)

80% of 4.5 -> 3.5 million tweets go without a like per day




Hey @Lurk3R Thank you for this. though How did we arrive at 80%

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