
How did you learn the knack of investing in stocks?

Whenever I read articles on this topic, they give theoretical explanation and pointers. However, they lack practical examples related to the point they're explaining.

If you're aware of courses or articles that explain stocks with examples and case studies, please share it.

Thanks in advance.

14mo ago
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So there is trading in stocks and investing in stocks. Trading is very simplistically, betting on price movement in the shorter window.

when you are Investing in a stock, think of it as you basically buying ownership in that company. So, ask yourself the question on why do you want to own that company and will it be worthwhile.

Most theory are frameworks to answer this question.

To learn more about this, I’d suggest looking at Ashwath Damodharan’s materials on youtube.


Why him?

He is basically one of the best at arriving at company valuation and he has done a lot of valuation on real world companies in real time and I have found his framework incredibly useful


That's a great way of explaining trading and investing. Thank you for suggesting the course. I will check out his videos.


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