How to overcome the Laziness and Focus on the work
Hi everyone, when I try to the task I will plan then when the implement part I just execute the plan for 10 minutes then bored and doing day dreaming and then relazing the work get stress then distracted on social media then day...will go on like this but I'm not able complete the one task what I planned. So if you guys suffered and overcome share your experiences and tips it will useful for me. And advance thank for your reply.
Isaiah Taye
2 months ago
Same, I get distracted by a notification on the phone. But somehow, I manage to comeplete tasks.
Matilda Carmden
2 months ago
Use pomodoro timer in laptop while working and keep your phone away while doing focus work.Take few min breaks after every focused sessions of work/study.List down the tasks to complete for that day in a notepad.Also breakdown the big task into smaller subtasks and complete those subtasks one by one.Voila !! you have completed the target π―.