I was asked to work part time for hourly basis on some work. What all should I be careful of?
Like the question mentions, what all should I know before getting into this? - should I and the person sign a contract? If yes, who prepares the contract and what should be it's contents? - should any specific clauses be defined? - should I take up upfront fees? - how to handle them validating work is done or not? - should I not keep it hourly? Should I define the fees based on the work done?
Jordon Denver
7 months ago
Keep it hourly it's easier that ways, you get paid for the time you spend but also set goals and deliverables
Draft a contract if they don't do you do
I see. Where can I get a sample template for contract? I am not aware as such much on this. Also, if you can, please answer other questions as well
PS - Never done part time or contractual work. Any help is appreciated