Is this a good way to negotiate expected CTC?
An example scenario: Let’s say my CTC is 34 LPA + annual stock payout of 5 Lakhs. My total yearly earning potential is 39 LPA.
In the new role they don’t have a variable or stocks. Is it reasonable to ask for a 25% hike on the overall earning potential?
So the new CTC is 49 LPA.
I haven’t switched my employer in the past few years so currently is lacking the clarity on the way how negotiations are done. Kindly help by sharing the best practice.
Taking prev salary as base is an absolute lazy way to determine future salary. Any HR who does that has no idea how to value a person that the company needs (unfortunately 90% HR people are this way). If you are in a position of leverage, remove current CTC from the conversation and try to determine what you are worth for them. If not, then go with the flow
Never share the salary at first few rounds of interview. Almost all the HRs says some excuse on not to tell salary range like they haven't budgeted or unlimited bugdet etc.. always say, right now I can't give exact numbers I want to know more about my role and responsibilities in our org.... somewhat like that. Otherwise they will set your expectation bar very low, even if they are ready to pay higher.
Sure. Great info!