Mutual funds - Upcoming scam
Lately, there have been news surfacing about some incidents where discounts brokers like Grow have not even invested a user’s money in mutual funds, and when this guy wanted to redeem, he realized, the fund he has been paying for has not even been invested.
I have a feeling that jext big scam is gonna be a mutual fund scam as tra king on where your money is invested is not possible and these big houses like quant, mirae, etc are showing really good returns ....what if they vanish in thin air someday...
Your thoughts? I'm investing in stocks directly as don't want to take risk with my money.

What if ur stocks vanish from ur broker account? 😜
Don’t spread panic if you aren’t aware of check & balances kept by regulator. Keep an eye on Monthly CAMS report, it contains all the investment records.

bro just download MF central app, any amount invested in any fund will get reflected here. Just have a look at invested amount 2 days after your SIP hits

There is a monthly CAMS report comes in my mailbox to tally the amount in each fund. If it’s not coming, go to the site and subscribe. You don’t need to verify each transaction, just match the total amount in CAMS vs Groww.

Good idea..i wasn't aware about it honestly.. will save a lot of my time researching stocks