ISB placement record
How is ISB managing to substantially increase the avg CTC of its cohorts, year after year.

Pls don’t believe in reports posted by B-schools. There is a lot of tweaking on that data. 1. If a student gets mu...
Wow, what’s even more surprising is the reply: seems like students are actually agreeing to it.
Wonder what kind of pressure tactics they’ve used here.
Why would anyone agree to this!
Try going legal route against a behemoth of an educational org.
They make them sign a document before placements starts. Which basically says that the placement team can do whatever the f they want and you agree to it because without it you are debarred from sitting for placements.
Messed up system
Narsee Monjee was always a lala college. Run as a sweat shop with literally no academic rigor.
@ShakkyInsaan Wouldn't say that for Mumbai. Have too many of my friends from there who have all done good things. They never cribbed much, so I guess it might have been fine.
Why do you say that?
Talking about Mumbai only. Lot of skeletons in their closet. Not getting into it. I was at NITIE Mumbai so I'm aware of their culture.
As Viraj Sheth said, everything is PR 🙂
So I know from very close sources that the folks who generally are asked to opt out are those who have been unable to get any placements even after 2-3 months of attending interviews. These are the last 30% students who cannot really get past the interviews due to skill mismatch or communication skills gap, etc. So this kind of opt out message is not forced and is not a pressure tactic. It's the college saying I have tried my best to get companies to the college and give you enough opportunities to get through, but now even I can't help you since I cannot guarantee more companies in the future since it's already 2-3 months past the placement start date.
Agree to everything. But then that clearly means that they don't/can't provide 100% placements. Which is the primary reason this "opt-out" scheme is being implemented in the first place
Oh yes that's true. They take in a lot of people but do not have true 100% placements. 100% is only after the optouts.
NMIMS was one of the top b schools in the past years. But now it has become all about taking money and making the campus like a 5 star hotel.
It was expensive before also but now it has so many branches.
Had it been like SPJIMR then it still would have some credibility.
But, still students give NMAT like nothing.
This is nothing new. I know of three other MBA colleges that did something similar with the '23 batch. I was part of one. They make you sign a document before placements with unethical rules such as this. The worst thing is the faculties are in on it. When few students decided to speak up, a meeting was called with the placement faculty incharge who then proceeded to call the students on stage and humiliated them as well as threatened them of punishing them by not allowing them to appear for 3 dream companies. Tier 2 and below MBA colleges do anything to protect the 100% placement stat and also inflate their ctcs by any means necessary.
This is real? I mean how are they managing the reputation risk?
How is ISB managing to substantially increase the avg CTC of its cohorts, year after year.
Pls don’t believe in reports posted by B-schools. There is a lot of tweaking on that data. 1. If a student gets mu...
Market is that bad that this isn’t about 4-5 people but 72 candidates at IIM-L do not have a job. Saw this on Twitter.
I guess we’ve reached the point where tier 3 MBAs aren’t even worth the paper they’re printed on
After seeing current placement stats of top IITs, even after Day6 not even 50% of the batch is unplaced can we say that 2024 is the unluckiest batch?
Students with good CGPA, having internships in reputed internships are not getting p...
They say this shit every year
Ya, 2008 never happened.
It’s going to be the norm. Currently companies have stopped looking at iit tag as a proxy for intelligence. There are...
IIMboacki 2y or 1y package is less than masters union 1y course!!!
Do u agree or have any perspective?
1. “Powered by Masters Union”, not news but PR by them 2. Batch size not given 3. 20% placed in founders office ...
I wouldn't take it at face value but it does makes me question all tier 1.5-3 MBA colleges who after decades of exist...