Need for Extra Income
Hello everyone, are there any good genuine work from home part time works to earn some extra income as my salary is not sufficient. Genuine suggestions would be appreciated
Hello everyone, are there any good genuine work from home part time works to earn some extra income as my salary is not sufficient. Genuine suggestions would be appreciated
what are ur intrests and things ur favorite on
Graphic design
If you are good at graphic designing then
create a LinkedIn, youtube, instagram, facebook (If you already have a personal account then also create a separate one gmail and link all those to that gmail)
list 50 companies (based on which you think their logo design, any post design would have been better if you designed it as their company graphic designer)
search in linkedin for their latest post and re-create it with its amazing and unique look
while re-creating it record that video step-by-step guidance how you did it and upload it to youtube
once you create your 1st design post it in linkedin tagging that company and mention that youtube link also
share it all the social media
then go to the 2nd company
dont hurry take 1 week to create 1 design but make sure it is unique and impressive
If you create you youtube channel I'll be the first subscribe
Best of luck 🤞🏻🤞🏻
If you are looking for the consultancy for investments then I work in a company where our founder who has 20+ years experience in the banking sector provides consultancy as per your needs.....we also provide consultancy for the investment in the stocks and in other things according to the situation and is completely trustworthy....for more help we can have a let me know please if you are interested in it. We provide both online and offline meetings with the consultant
Thank you