Amidst global recession, specially for IT companies, Indegene is floating an initial public offering (IPO) in April 24! Thoughts on the subscription?
Thoughts about applying for tata technology and gandhar ipo’s.
Not applying to any ipo. Listing gains on 15k invested are not substantial in my portfolio
Amidst global recession, specially for IT companies, Indegene is floating an initial public offering (IPO) in April 24! Thoughts on the subscription?
1• IREDA: 2,150 Crore ₹
2• Flair Writing Industries: 593 Crore ₹
3• Gandhar Oil Refinery: 501 Crore ₹
4• Fedbank Financial Services: 1,092 Crore ₹
5• Tata Technologies Limited: 3,042 Crore
IREDA Opening from 21 - 23 No...
December is a big month for IPOs. Which are you allocating your funds for? Just curious🙃