
Office Love Stories

Ever wondered how many love stories orgs have killed? Right at the start, in the middle, intentionally adding to the cold start or making the friction more pronounced. Think about it: corporate policies, unwritten rules, and so to say "culture" might have ended more love stories (and still is) than we care to acknowledge. Imagine two colleagues who hit it off -only to be told that their relationship violates some archaic HR policy. Or worse, they keep it hidden, living in constant fear of discovery. Why? Because the org demands a separation of personal and professional lives that’s unnatural and really there's no switch to human connection. How do it fucking turn it off? I mean you spend more than half your day at the work place right? falling for someone out there - Happens. Then, wouldn't it get to you that you have to say something but cant say, have to wait, but cant wait, and the distractions and more. I have seen most sides I guess - exceptional performers getting together, one high one low getting along - good outcomes, I have seen public spats too - really ugly ones. I have seen folks in depression. I have seen the founders being shaky with the gossip and more.. So you got to ask: - Does this really add to morale? who really wins here? - Does it take you away from your goal? - Why are folks so divided on this topic? - Is it about control or culture or someones belief system coming in the way? - What’s the real impact on employee retention? - Do we really trust our employees enough? - Can we redefine professionalism? and What if we embraced love stories? Moral policing is not the answer. Neither is we dont know what they would do next - no one in the right mind is so horny that they bang right on the office floor (at least I would like to believe that) ... So.. is our insecurities too high, our principles too shaky, or we just like to be really really convenient. Your take please.




3 months ago




3 months ago




3 months ago

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dirty tricks played by orgs to Lay Off employees

It's getting dirtier by the day and sure some orgs are still up to their dirty tricks. The models: - Appraise and then Lay Off: Why bother putting bandaid on a stab wound? Anyways the folks are going to fight how to answer the ..why were you laid off war, and now you are adding another twist.. why were you appraised and then laid off? - Low appraisals to force quit: Undervalue them so they leave on their own. It’s a leeches way to cut costs. Kill morale 100%. Severance penny spent $0. - Trap them in PIP: Dress it up however you want - very very few escape this death sentence. - Silent treatment: No assignments, No meetings. Watch them spiral into anxiety and leave to save their sanity. - Workload overload: Drown them in work until they break. No need for layoffs list until they make it to your collapse list first. - Strategic reorg: Re-organize them out of existence. Offer a demotion or a proxy role in a random team that you know they dont want as an alternative. - Sudden policy changes: oh! I have seen so many I can't keep up with this one. New policies that make their life hell. People leave to escape your pettiness. - Mandatory relocation: Demand they move to an undesirable location. Then you treat remote employees like outsiders. Exclude them from key projects, conversations until they feel like foster care kids, second-class citizens. You know the outcome from there on. - Use the "Culture Fit" excuse: Call out how they’re not a culture fit. Vague, unchallengeable, and forces them out without severance. And don't sell me "the org has got to do what it has got to do to survive" line. I don't buy that If you have seen this being done, I understand your silence, but I don't value it. If this has been done to you or someone close to you, I am sorry. Orgs and the people failed you. We could be 1000x better than what we are operating as.