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They should join some more courses and influencer telegram channels.

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Personal Finance
by DerpyMuffinStealth

Do you make money by options/future trading?

We See posts and stories on Instagram/Twitter with people making 50-60k daily trading. Some even make lacs. I am wondering if it is legitimate and can we also do it? Because the last time I tried and I lost 15k. What are your comments?

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Stay away from options/futures trading if you don't want financial and mental pain.Being a trader myself, if you wann...

Personal Finance
by SquishyQuokkaGojek

What are your best lessons from the stock market?

Was analysing my trades over the last 3 years to understand my best and worst trades ever, then coupled that with my "Trade Diary" to see what were the difference of thoughts between both trades.

I was levered heavily on these F&O tr...

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Lessons from the market: 1. Stress adjusted returns as a philosophy works best. Risk is misunderstood by most ...