" Passionate " Startup folks
A lot of folks working at startups seem to be "passionate " about their job. Some of them possibly, truly are. Some foolishly reverse engineer this passion because they're paid really well and they've been doing a good job and it's good personal PR to say "passion". A few reality checks.
Your cool Bangalore lifestyle is a result of investment risks/bets taken by VC's .
Your salary is as much about the market demand as it is about your " passion " and talent.
Startups will generally lower the bar for hiring processes to meet their demand for talent. Why need so much talent? Because the startup needs to spend that 100M$ Series C that just made them a unicorn. That's how they convince the VC to give more money. "We are going to 2x revenue by 2xing our salesforce and buying 10M$ worth of Saas that will increase our productivity by 5x. " And boom ...100M$ transferred into you SVB bank account.
You are as replaceable as a garbage bag on your dustbin. The HR is probably flirting with 10 other like you over linkedin.
The "values" this startup apparently espouses are mostly nothing but a honey trap and positioning to lure talent.
It's great to have a nice tech job that pays well and allows you to gloat on twitter like a techbro but don't let it fool you into getting an inflated sense of entitlement. You're probably living on borrowed time....and money. :)