
Personal Brand

I am building my personal brand (trying to) But oversight is, the strategy seems all over the place

Do you/have you created?

  1. What are the platforms you focus on?
  2. Paid subscriptions that have help you in the journey

Any advice in general is also welcome.

16mo ago
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Pick one platform at a time. Understand how it works. Post different things relevant to your company, goals, etc. Track the comments and messages you get also track things that don't work. Double down on things that work and then also experiment with different style of content. Try to leverage someone else's friend to build yours. Don't be too generic, leave the people with something- learning, fun, insight, etc.


Didn’t understand this part - Try to leverage someone else's friend to build yours.


oops! I meant leverage your friend's profile who is a big influencer or someone who has great following with a niche audience. Tag him/her in your posts, not forcefully but if it's relevant. Ask them to share your post once you have got a decent traction on your own profile for next set of growth


I've been thinking about it but then all the cringe linkdin, Twitter, Instagram and blogs flash in front of my eyes and I question myself is it worth it ? To lose a sense of self and become a fabricated medium of sharing experiences that are altogether so similar to other people in their essence and don't really add something "NEW" to people's life. Is it?

Anyway what does it matter, you're farming for engagement to access opportunities and people are just out there consuming to suppress there "AWARENESS" (idk how to put it but beyond certain point any kind of algo- driven surf leaves you numb and makes you loose that awareness and track of action). In the end it's a run to farm people's attention and longer you take part in this, i'll start to loose somepart of myself IMO ( think about Arnav goswami, Oxford grad & now a screaming man on the box but then he's printing cash💵)


Maybe some day when I have stronger virtues and know where i stand in the world I'll but for now, i shall not pursue such dangerous endeavours.


Haha yea I do question myself if it is all worth it. But at least I am not my job profile


I've had to create one out of necessity more than want, but I don't post frequently or grow it actively. Plus the news coverage I've received so far has been mostly organic, so my SEO game is decent.

Difficulty - Twitter > LinkedIn > Instagram. I'd say focus on LinkedIn and Twitter if you have a professional/serious personal brand. @MutedTone94 is on point here.

No subscriptions needed, just a free version of hypefury is enough for many things. You can also try others like hubspot which have a lot more to offer (such as lead management).

Best way to build a personal brand imo - Do epic stuff no one's doing. Difficult, but worth it.



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