
Product Hierarchy at MasterCard?

I want to understand how does levels work in MasterCard. Context - I'm appearing for one interview and the designation is Manager, Product Management. Is it lead / Group PM or a senior PM role. Also, if you can tell me what is the designation about this role. Next would be director or something else?

19mo ago
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Hey! How did it go? Manager, PM is different from Lead or Group or even Senior. Manager is a people role whereas the rest are tech roles. So, your transition would be Junior PM > PM > Senior > Lead/Group > Principal > VP is you go into tech. Else Junior PM > PM > Senior > Manager > Director > VP if you go into people management.

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Product Managers

Product Hierarchy at Mastercard

What is the Product management hierarchy at Mastercard? Also is technical PM hierarchy different from functional PM role? Want to know in terms of career level and designation? For ex, what does Level 7 is called or level 6 is called and...

Ask Grapeviners

PM transition (Mastercard/Visa)

I’ve an experience as product owner/analysts in payment/meechant solutions but I have been taking up PM responsibilities since a long time now. How shall I get into Mastercard/visa as PM. Can anyone from mastercard and visa guide me?

Product Managers

Titles and hierarchy in PM

I would like to know the titles and hierarchy in product management function in your companies. In my company it is, APM-1, APM-2, PM, SPM, GPM, Director of Product, VP and CPO.