
Question about Credit Card statement

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Hey guys. Got a question about credit card statements. Is it common that transactions that happened during the last billing cycle to show up within transactions of the current one? Because for me now, this month's statement included one major purchase that should have been billed last time, but since it came up in this month, my credit utilisation crossed like 60%. I will be going to the bank tomorrow, had gone yesterday too, to ask why this happened. Few more details: billing cycle for my HDFC Freedom Card is 16th. The major purchase happened at 15th of last month. I had pre-paid a major chunk for that purchase on the same day (which is showing up as Credit on last month's statement) but that purchase itself isn't showing up in that statement. Any insight from some of the more experienced folks would be appreciated, thanks!

24mo ago
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This does happen. As CC transactions don’t always instantly hit you, they can take a few days to settle. It has happened to me a few times too. CCs are just not instant like DCs


Thanks for the reply! Yeah I'll have to be a bit more careful now with using the credit card. Only low ticket items around bill generation dates.


Here’s a reminder: never wait till the last day to pay your bill. Always pay 2-3 days prior to your due date. You never know when they fail and then get screwed with “missing payments”.


Hi, any transaction done on CC takes at least 1-2 days to settle and thus if you do any a day before or same day as your billing, it will show it in next billing only.

Tip: make sure you either transact after your billing day or 2 days before your billing days.


Thanks for this tip!

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