Reviews on Dotpe?
How is the product team and the business outlook at Dotpe? Please share honest feedback
its just a fucked up place, their business model is screwup and the existing team is more focused on template based approach rather than solving core problems
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Jordon Carmden
a year ago
DotPe is yet to understand and stick to one business that they want to do. Whether they want to be a POS for F&B or they want to be Shopify for SMBs. Both are totally different businesses and both seem to have different rules is selling and ethics. POS is sold with high kick backs to the procurement guy who takes decision for the offline F&B brand. SMBs are sold annual package of website builder with twisted rules and ever changing prices, and once they are in, they can’t get back their domain or refund in case they want to switch.
Dezi Denver
a year ago
One of their senior sales manager proudly explained how they converted a well known biryani chain of restaurants in Hyderabad by paying 6L in cashback.
My interview was shit. Some green guy judging my knowledge of templates. Shows how they might be running things