Right age to get health insurance for self?
I'm 24M, have heard enough from people saying get health insurance at younger age as buying one at younger age has their own advantages like low premiums, tax benefits, negating the effect of waiting period which is usually 4 years for some diseases but i still feel i don't need one until at least 30, as there are very very less chances of hospitalization until 30.
I'm getting insurance with 5lakh cover at 9-10k/year, which is totally affordable for me but my middle class mentality kicks in saying - "there is just no need to spend 75-90lakhs until 30 in health insurance premiums as there are very less chances of me getting hospitalized until 30-35" unless there is hospitalization due to unfortunate accidents.
What's your opinion on the right age for buying health insurance? Should i go for it and get one for myself?
The whole idea of any insurance is to mitigate the risk. You cannot assume that below 30 is safe zone.
Something as trivial as dengue can cost you lakhs in hospital. Even if you start today, you would spend just 9*6= 54 thousand in insurance premium till the age of 30. That's peanuts if you see the medical cost of admission in hospital.
Even my baby have had insurance starting from age 1. Here people make at least one same beaten down boring post every week asking about insurance. Good luck in your buying. If you need help mail me.