Stressed about life. Where and how to find a good therapist?
Facing issues in personal life w.r.t family. At this point I feel like its impacting my work life. I need help in managing stress. Seeking help from therapist but I don’t know where to find one! There are online platforms but would love to know from people where and how they found their therapists.
Amaha Health
I have tried this before but weirdly they don’t let you chose a new therapist. The one I was assigned has no appointments. They want me to write a consent email in order to get a new therapist. I got lazy and just deleted the app.
Thanks for sharing your experience and this is good to know. My experience with amaha is limited to psychiatric help
You can checkout Mind research foundation. But therapy is not one stop solution. Takes multiple tries so keep trying. All the best.
If in Bangalore or Delhi - KahaMind can help for in person therapy consultation