The Lust Destroys a Man
For the thoughts I believed to be my friend The inner voice I always believed was at my side Was after a child He didn't know what was best for him
Agreed the nature wants the species to continue For the thoughts of other gender to finding them beautiful and cute are understandable For it isn't necessary for the inner mind to be completely filled by them For it will destroy the sanity of a man
The Day changes when a Man understands He is not his own thoughts He is alone and cannot be the love he was fed will find one day The thoughts are ignored They aren't suppressed or killed But rather let by For to reduce their significance. He regains control His consciousness finally heals
He stops fantasizing the other gender And is happy with himself. Meditates and clears what was always required. For now he doesn't fear to impress He craves for the patterns of knowledge The links that make up his mind To solve the problems he was born for
He thanks God for the help For after all he wasn't the one wanted to die It was his thoughts Something inside of him The Hell the Devil lives.
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Writing helps me clear my thoughts and understand and map them better
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Nari Nari na kr balak, Nari narak ka dwar, Kush bhi hogi toh kya degi, m* m* ka dwar;