
The Ultimate Guide to Product Metrics (free links)

1. Frameworks: - AARRR (Pirate) Metrics - North Star Framework 101 (12 pages, PDF) - Google HEART framework 2. Techniques: - Cohort Analysis - Funnel Analysis - Customer Segmentation 3. Types of metrics: - Vanity vs. actionable metrics - Qualitative vs. quantitative metrics - Exploratory vs. reporting metrics - Lagging vs. leading metrics 4. What makes a good metric? - A good metric is understandable - A good metric is comparative - A good metric is a ratio or rate - A good metric is behavior-changing 5. The Ultimate List of Product Metrics (7 pages, PDF): - Acquisition Metrics - Activation Metrics - Engagement Metrics - Retention Metrics - Revenue Metrics - Referral Metrics 6. Recommended books: - Lean Analytics by Alistair Croll and Ben Yoskovitz - Product Analytics by Joanne Rodrigues - Data Science for Business by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett —— An interactive mind map with all links (free): —— Selected links: - North Star Framework 101 (12 pages, PDF): - The Ultimate List of Product Metrics (7 pages, PDF):




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Product Managers on

by BengaluruLandLord


Product Manager Worth & their insecure justifications

Whenever you a call PM fraud here, they come & put justifications like you don't know business, products built by Engineers are shyt, only PMs can build good products, engineers don't prioritize business needs bla bla. A data scientist/analytics perspective: 1. When we call a PM fraud, we refer to mainly those who come without a background in either of tech or business. Cool wannabes straight out of college & learnt nothing but attitude over years. If a PM was an engineer, or analytics, or business or ops, then others first see him/her as engineer/etc & then a manager. That's the right way it should be. 2. 'Business won't be prioritized' is such a complacency: Business is bread & butter of Analytics and AI. It is the primary thing we check in interviews, a large portion of the interview focus' on the problem statement and prioritisations. End note: PMs are hot, but only when they have a solid foundation in stuff they are building. They need to know depths. Anyone apart from this breed are worthless & Indian startups are filled with this shyt A best PM would be a senior engineer/analyst with penchant for business practicality & customer perspective. Why of 1st Point? Because how can you manage a team when you don't even know what that team does? For eg: I can tell my PM any random blabbing about why model is working/not & she has no idea to judge my words. Leave AI, with tech pipelines too I can give any deadlines & justify it how would she know? Besides if they don't have tech background they bring in random expectations which is far away from feasibility. Why should any tech guy respect them? They can understand business req, connect with business teams and build better. That's the exact role of a project manager.