
The beauty of 'closing the loop'

Just sharing a random thought that I feel is very important, would love to get your thoughts on it as well. I've been in startups for ~5 years now, and my big realization is that the best people know when to go all-in into an idea and close the loop: in terms of making sure resources are put behind the project, founders' approval exists, and people are championed behind it's execution It's super easy to come up with 3-4 ideas every month, share it, move on to the next ones. Most commonly, some execution also happens, but then people eventually lose interest... they are too stuck on being an idea generator, and often times there is a missing culture of seeing things to fruition. But the joy of having thought of something, seeing it succeed/fail, get to a logical conclusion is unparalleled. It's the most beautiful way to learn how 0 to 1 actually works, and makes sure you learn to execute, not just think. The happiness lies in seeing the early signs of success, and then some mid-stage and late-stage signs of success. This culture within early team members makes a startup successful. It makes you successful, if you're the person behind it. So to everyone who's still early within startups (especially early stage), try to close the loop on those ideas you find to be wonderful. You'll never again have to think about what to write on your CV or what to say in an interview. TLDR: Execute your ideas with as much excitement as you had when you first thought of them, don't lose track. From other operators, would love to get your thoughts on this. What have you seen? Do you feel differently?




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Insanity check on leaving 2Cr at 26

I have a remote job with 250k USD/2CR base salary and get to travel for free internationally 6 times a year to beautiful places in Europe. My manager is a saint and I don’t think I will ever find someone as good as him. I am considering leaving this job to startup. I would love to hear everyone’s unfiltered thoughts on this please 🙏🏼 Firstly, this is not a fake post - Luckily I have been one of the few people who were early in AI to train very large LMs, so I have an edge and get paid crazy money for it. Why am I leaving? Over the last one month I had time off from work to build a new AI capability for coding assistants. It’s a technological breakthrough and my AI is 10X cheaper and has 100% codebase coverage for automatic feature development, bug fixing and automating 3rd party integrations into your very large codebases. Others are working on it as well, but I have achieved higher results on public coding assistants benchmarks(SWE-bench). I believe in this breakthrough and technology, and this is the absolute right time to build it, not 6 months ago, not 6 months later - too early and too late. This could potentially be my next moonshot or I could also fail, but learn a lot in the process and not have regrets 5 years down the line in not pursuing a breakthrough in AI that someone down the line is going to monopolise. My financial situation is good and bad - I have NW of 3.2 Cr, but they are tied in 2 real estate properties - I am aware that this is stupid to not have anything liquid. I have a running home loan of 1Cr to the bank and 30 lakhs to be paid to my Dad, these two are my biggest mental blockers. My wife(married early this year) earns really well as well and I have some ~20L liquid, so day to day runway is of easily 1 year. Finally, I don’t believe that it I leave my current job, I will ever get another international offer that pays this well in cash and has remote work given how to market has changed recently. I am trying to disassociate from a greed mindset and looking into a potentially very high exponential growth/learnings. Please provide your suggestions frens, I am planning to speaking to my manager on Monday 🌻🌻