
[Thread] What is your Professional Mission in Life?

Talking to a lot of senior folks I’ve realised something: If you’re good at what you do, 20s are marked by meteoric growth, salaries increase exponentially as you climb the corporate ladder but it is at the expense of your youth and vitality. By mid 30s, you’ve been robbed of your youth while you were busy chasing the next paycheck and your earnings stay consistent as progression starts to plateau. That’s why a lot of these B2B SaaS founders are mid 30s. There’s now a trend for an entrepreneurial switch at that point in life because it is the only way to sustain the same level of earnings growth as your 20s. A lesson learnt too late, maybe? Because, we all think about financial risk but not much about time risk. Now imagine if only you would spend the early part of your adulthood doing something that is mightily ambitious, foregoing your “career” earnings for some time in exchange for impact and reward, while your youth hasn’t faded away. It doesn’t have to be the case that you become a founder, but perhaps you can join a company which is a melting pot of highly talented folks aligned on the same goal, something that inspires you as well. Drop by with your professional purpose that drives you in your life, would love to hear your perspective.




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by AmpleBlackbird


How I Hit 1Cr Net Worth at TCS Without the Startup Hype (and no, I don’t want to retire early)

Saw the new FIRE community here on Grapevine, thought of sharing my story here. Let's talk about money, startups, and the misleading "get rich quick" mentality that's captivating our generation. I'm 32, and I've been with TCS for 11 years. Yes, TCS. Not a trendy startup, not a unicorn, just good old Tata Consultancy Services. And I've just reached a 1Cr net worth. Before you assume I'm a senior executive or had family wealth, let me clarify. I started as a fresh graduate earning 3.5 LPA. My parents are middle-class government employees. I had no special advantages or lucky breaks. What I did have was discipline. Pure, unglamorous discipline. While my college friends hopped between startups, chasing ESOPs and IPO dreams, I stayed put. I lived modestly, invested consistently, and focused on steady growth. Here's the unvarnished truth: 1. Most startups fail. Your ESOPs are worthless if the company doesn't succeed. 2. Even if your startup thrives, the chances of making life-changing money are slim. You're more likely to end up overworked and burnt out. 3. FIRE is unrealistic for most people, especially through startup gambles. 4. Slow and steady really does win the race. My journey wasn't exciting. It looked like this: - Lived with roommates until 28 - Drove a second-hand Alto while peers financed luxury cars - Invested 50% of my salary monthly, without exception - Educated myself about index funds, debt funds, and asset allocation - Declined expensive trips and unnecessary luxuries - Focused on upskilling and steady promotions at TCS Was it always enjoyable? No. Did I sometimes feel left behind when friends posted about startup funding or fancy perks? Absolutely. But you know what's truly satisfying? Reaching 1Cr net worth at 32 through consistent, unexciting progress. I'm not saying everyone should work at TCS or that startups are bad. If you genuinely love the startup world, pursue it. But do it because you love the work, not because you think it's your ticket to early retirement. The startup world has sold us a fantasy. They've glorified overwork, made "hustle" a personality trait, and convinced a generation that success only comes through a miraculous exit. That's simply not true. Success often looks like showing up daily, living below your means, and making smart, consistent choices with your money. To the 20-somethings chasing startup dreams and thinking ESOPs will enable early retirement - reconsider. The odds aren't in your favor. Instead, think about this: - Find a stable, fulfilling job - Live well below your means - Invest aggressively and consistently - Focus on steady career growth - Ignore flashy social media lifestyles It's not exciting. It won't get you media attention. But it works. Here's the best part: this path has allowed me to have a balanced life. I'm married with a young child, and I get to spend quality time with them every day. I play with my kid after work, I'm present for family dinners, and I even have time for my hobbies on weekends. I'm not constantly stressed about the next funding round or pulling all-nighters to meet impossible deadlines. I have the mental space to be fully present with my family, and that's priceless. I'm not planning to retire soon. I actually enjoy my job and the stability it provides. But reaching this milestone has given me options and peace of mind that no startup gamble could offer. So, is anyone else out there quietly building wealth without the drama? Let's hear your stories. And to those still pursuing the startup dream - I wish you the best. But consider that the less exciting path might be the one that actually leads to both financial success and a fulfilling personal life.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Slow is smooth, smooth is fast :)