How do you all save taxes?
As a salaried employee earning more than 24LPA. What all investments do you do to save the maximum taxes?
Title says all
Get a CA start a company draw salary to company
You can’t when you’re employed
You can and the company will oblige. Also shift from a job to consulting position at the company I did it many times and the companies were okay
You can't. As someone else mentioned, being a contractor is the only way because you pay 10% instead of 30% TDS, however you're then obligated to a 18% GST service tax which can be claimed back as a refund by your CA. It's a lengthy process but would save you around 10L per year
Challenge there is to get the company to agree. Big companies have fixed employment structure. You can't just go to them and ask them to hire you as a company
You can he an independent contractor, doesn't require a company. It's just like being an employee but without being classified as one legally.
Also if you can't get that done, then pay 30%, it's either this or that 😂
Reduce base to minimum for lifestyle+emergency+etc, opt for more RSUs instead (assuming it’s a public company). Capital gains tax has much lower rate than income.
Or, erm, donate to politicians
Someone once said "in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."
Use vpf, invest 100% of your basic
Use corporate nps, 10% of your basic
Use fuel + driver reimbursement to the fullest
These will reduce taxable income by ~ 20 lakhs
And if you want more.. take home loan 😉
Can you help understand how VPF,corporate NPS works ?
My advise is get a CA. They’ll handle everything. Pay him extra, do political donations ;) and stuff. CA will find a lot of ways to save you money
Best way to give your earnings as a donation under 80G section to your close friends or to your team, this will save your tax. 🤪😀
Have explored tax savings options since I have similar tc.
Legal way - none Illegal way - donations to ngo/political parties.
Following 😬
As a salaried employee earning more than 24LPA. What all investments do you do to save the maximum taxes?
Need advice on tax-saving options for a 12LPA salary. Which is better: PPF, ELSS, or NPS? Any tips beyond Section 80C
I'm a salaried person with about 50 L base pay + some interest income + capital gains from equity. I'm currently paying around 10- 11 L in income tax.
I'm following the old regime Claiming below major deductions Hra 80c Nps Political ...
Isn't tax also political party donation😅
For salaried employees, nothing can be done. If you are in30% tax bracket, you will pay 4 months of your salary as ta...
It’s so painful to see the amount of money I end up paying on the name of tax. Presently doing - 1.5L of LIC and pf + 50k NPS + HRA. What else can be done? My CTC is 55LPA.